Did you know?
Metro has an After Hours Answering Service
This after-hours service is available should you have questions or need medical assistance.
Need Medical Advice After Hours?
In Pain or Not Feeling Well? Should you treat the problem at home, call your doctor in the morning, or get to an emergency room or urgent care center?
You don’t need to make this decision on your own. Your medical team at Metro is always just a phone call away – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Office | Phone Number |
Bronx | 718.665.7565 |
Manhattan | 212.209.5102 |
Downtown Brooklyn | 718.855.7707 |
Staten Island | 718.447.0200 |
When you call after hours you will be transferred to our on-call service who will connect you with a Metro doctor.